Contact Us


19B Tarmac Way Pakenham

Office Hours

Christmas 2024 closedown. Last day is Friday 13th Dec. Reopen end of Jan 2025


Showroom hours Tuesday to Thursday 8AM to 2PM

Other showroom times are available by pre booked appointment

Mobile phone 0432 085 007 Mon to Fri 8am to 4.30PM

Our showroom can be busy and at times not staffed. To ensure the health and safety of our staff and clients, we have in place the following protocols

  1. Walk in appointments are not available. Please phone to request an appointment so that we can give you our full attention in a safe and comfortable environment without other clients dropping in on top of you. This also helps us plan and manage our day.
  2. Staff members regularly work from a home office so drop ins may arrive to an empty showroom. 
  3. Pick up of our products needs to be organized in advance to assist with a speedy transaction with pre picked goods. This saves you time and enhances your experience with us. At least, that is our intent.


Office: 03 5942 8444

Sales: 03 5942 8444

Accounts: 03 5918 0835

Phil: 0432 085 007

A word to all of the SEO, website developers and google companies that find the need to send me unrelenting emails and phone calls offering services I have no desire or need for. I am happy for you that you stumbled across my site and decided to do a free analysis of my site. Why bother? I didn't ask you too. If I'M in a good mood or bored and feel like playing with you, I ask you what we do. You don't ever have the faintest idea but guess at something like " you do glasses".  What a tool. Maybe find a hobby. Learn to fish or play golf. 

As for phoning and the first few lines of your introduction include a demand to speak to the business owner, That is entitled of you. I am the business owner and I don't respond well to  demands to be put through.  How very entitled of you demanding to speak to the business owner as if it is your right and my duty to comply. Like that is going to win my approval to engage you. This is normally the time I say" just let me get her for you" and I go off to make a coffee. I've found that you hold somewhere between 90 seconds and 2 minutes.

One very insistent guy held on for over 10 minutes. I have got to give credit for persistence there. I almost felt guilty saying the business owner has just left on a 3 year holiday.  On a similar issue, our lights are already LED, we have a heat pump hot water service and we are satisfied with our electricity and phone providers.  Just saying!

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